Teen Institute
Teen Institute is a peer leadership program for youth in grades 9 through 12. Teen Institute youth are empowered and trained to be role models and advocate for healthy lifestyle choices among the youth in their communities.
To learn more, please contact Kein Trease
Prevention Network Community Connection Podcast
Prevention Network offers new podcasts that discuss programs and services offered by Prevention Network. Each episode takes a more in depth look at prevention and how we are working together to make our community a healthier place. For more information, or to be a guest speaker, contact Bethani at

Community Education
The Youth Development program helps young people develop a commitment toward being healthy, resilient and drug-free. Through the use of the evidence-based Botvin’s LifeSkills Training curriculums, groups will gain drug-resistance skills, emotional intelligence, and general life skills. Multiple no contact and socially distant options are available.
To learn more, please contact Valerie Hill.

Narcan Training
Narcan nasal spray can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and save a life. Prevention Network offers free large and small group Narcan training, private trainings and 1 on 1 trainings, all in person or virtually. Trainings include recognizing signs of an overdose, administering Narcan and aftercare. All participants receive a certificate of completion and a Narcan kit. open to the public trainings are available weekly and private trainings are available by appointment.

Gambling Prevention
Prevention Network offers information on the emerging trends related to youth gambling, information on the differences between gaming and gambling, and the risks associated with youth gambling. Contact us to learn more about youth gambling prevention.
For additional information, please call our office at 315-471-1359.

Drug Free Communities
YSAP is changing the culture of the city by providing up-to-date information, teaching community members practical skills, addressing problem locations in our neighbhorhoods, introducting new policies and laws and creating access to supports.
To learn more, please contact Charles Jackson

Underage Drinking Prevention
Alcohol remains the most popular drug of choice by teens. While other drugs are dangerous, alcohol remains the most problematic. For example, if a teen starts drinking at the age of 15, he or she has a 50/50 chance of developing serious problems with drinking later in life (SAMSHA).
This program:
- Educates youth directly in schools and community centers
- Works with local coalitions to create safe and healthy neighborhoods - free of alcohol and other drugs
- Works with local law enforcement, policy makers, parents, campus personnel, and bar/restaurant owners to limit access to alcohol and abuse of alcohol by young people
Multiple no contact and socially distant options are available. To learn more, please contact Kein Trease.

Family Support
Addiction is a family disease. Find what supports and resources are available to you in Onondaga, Cayuga, Cortland, Madison and Oswego as you travel with your loved one throught their journey of recovery.
Multiple no contact and socially distant options are available. Please contact Kaylen Dowd for more information.

Impaired Driver Program
This training offers participants the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills to minimize the risk of additional Alcohol and/or Other Drug driving incidents. As a result participants are encouraged to develop a personal action plan to identify and address harmful choices that put all New Yorkers at risk for death, injury and other losses.
Please call our hotline at 315-471-1360 for additional information.

Parenting Classes
Parenting and co-parenting can be a challenging part of life. Parents and caretakers often find themselves in stressful situations - Conscious Parenting skills can provide tools to create a thriving home environment.
Please contact Cortney Pitcher for more information.

Smart Recovery Meetings
Join us for Smart Recovery support meetings each Wednesday at Noon, Monday at 5:30 and Friday at4:30 ) at Prevention Network. Smart Recovery uses a cognitive approach to addictive behaviors and works to control urges, maintain motivation, and live a more balanced life. Meetings are held at Prevention Network located at 906 Spencer st Syracuse NY 13204. For more information, please email

Friends and Family Smart Meetings
The SMART Family & Friends meetings use the four key points of SMART Recovery and adapted these to suit the needs of family & friends of people with a drug and/or alcohol addiction.
Rather than focusing on the loved one, the meetings invite participants to spend time concentrating on themselves and their goals, an area they may have been neglecting for some time.
Meetings are held weekly at Prevention Network located at 906 Spencer st Syracuse NY 13204. For more information, please email

Community Engagement
The environment - physical, social, legal, economic and political -in which people live, work and play, heavily influences the behavior of individuals.
Environmental Prevention Strategies have been shown to be the most effective ways to affect positive change in a community.
For additional information, please contact Donna Knapp.

Alcohol Server Training
TIPS is a highly interactive and multi-media training that covers the following areas:
- The science of alcohol consumption
- The legal issues surrounding serving alcohol
- Techniques in assessing your customer’s level of consumption
- Techniques and procedures in confronting customers about their drinking
- Documentation and organizational protocols
- ID checks
Multiple no contact and socially distant options are available. For additional information, please contact Bethani.

Victim Impact Panel
VIP is Onondaga County District Attorney's Offices, STOP-DWI; Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department, the community court system, community volunteers, and Prevention Network, collaboration, working together for a healthier safer community. No contact, online trainings are available on the first and third Thursday of each month and registration links can be found by clicking the button below, on the website home page or Prevention Network CNY Facebook events section.
Please contact Prevention Network for additional information at 315-471-1359.
Problem Gambling Prevention and Advocacy
Prevention Network works with all ages to raise awareness on problem gambling and associated issues, and connect those who may need more information or assessments with resources in the community. Click below for additional information or to schedule an educational presentation, call 315-471-1359.